*This committee represents the merger of the Satisfactory 学术 Progress Committee and the Complete College Georgia Committee, effective 8/11/17. For historical information on the Satisfactory 学术 Progress Committee email%20a%20request%20for%20EGSC%20Statutes%20dated%2012%2F20%2F16.  EGSC's Complete College Georgia Plans are located on the Institutional Initiatives 页面. 

The title of this committee was changed to the Student Success Committee by the President's Cabinet effective 8/9/23.

Purpose and Functions

The purpose 委员会成员 is to support all initiatives to identify 学生 at risk of not making academic progress toward their degree, to implement responsive measures to facilitate their academic success and to implement measures designed to foster student retention and graduation. The functions 委员会成员 are to implement an intrusive early academic intervention for 学生 presenting indications of likely failure to make academic progress; to identify 学生 failing to make academic progress but likely to be candidates for academic support services and inform them about and encourage them to use the available services; to maintain data about 学生 not making academic progress to enable the college to better analyze and address the likely factors contributing to such failure to reach their academic goals; to implement advising, registration and academic support guidelines for such 学生 with the goal of retention and graduation, to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose and to continuously improve the college’s response in support of these 学生. Ad-hoc subcommittees and/or task forces may be created to meet the needs 委员会成员.


    • Chair, Provost and Vice President for 学术 and Student Affairs;
    • Associate Vice President for 学术 Affairs;
    • Associate Vice President for Data Analytics and 学术 Attainment;
    • Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research;
    • Director of 招生;
    • Director of Retention; and
    • Director of 学术 Advisement.

Works of the Committee